criminal defense lawyer

What is an arraignment?

Kalamazoo courthouse

The arraignment is essentially the start of the formal criminal justice court process.  Individuals have certain rights that must be upheld during the arraignment process, including the nature of the crime, the potential penalty upon conviction, the right to an attorney, the right to enter a plea, and the right to have bond set. 

Tags: criminal defense attorney, criminal defense lawyer, Kalamazoo criminal defense

Michigan Court of Appeals: A Traffic Stop Based on Insurance Information in LEIN is Valid

Kalamazoo criminal defense attorney

The Michigan Court of Appeals decided police can conduct a valid traffic stop based on a driver's insurance status in the Law Enfrocement Information Network ("LEIN"). The court said: stopping to check for valid insurance was reasonable; that the insurnace information entered into LEIN from the Michigan Secretary of State was not improper; and that the infromation in LEIN is updated frequently enough for officers to rely on its accuracy. 

Tags: criminal defense attorney, criminal defense lawyer, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Michigan Court of Appeals Weighs In on "Wet Marijuana"

Kalamazoo criminal defense attorney

Possession of "wet," or unsuable is now unlawful under a recent Michigan Court of Appeals opinion. The possession of unusable marijuana, in any quantity, will disqualify an individual from invoking immunity under § 4 of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA).  

Tags: criminal defense attorney, criminal defense lawyer, Kalamazoo criminal defense, possession of marijuana

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