Appellate Practice

Related Areas: Appeals, Criminal Appeals, Civil Matters

Butler, Toweson & Payseno PLLC is proud of and emphasizes its trial court practice and success. Our appellate success is equally remarkable and this firm is often retained to appeal matters or to defend against appeals beyond the trial court level. Our services include appeals, oral arguments, motion practice, legal research, trial strategy, brief writing, and oral advocacy.

We take great pride in our ability to represent these matters on appeal at both the state and federal level and our success has given way to a well-earned reputation for fine appellate advocacy. Successful appeals or defense of appeals have been handled by Butler, Toweson & Payseno PLLC at the state circuit court level, the Michigan Court of Appeals, the Michigan Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court and there are many reported cases in which this firm has participated.

Appellate Practice Attorneys

Contact us today to set up your initial consultation.

