
Related Areas: Debt Collection, Business Planning

In tough economic times, jobs are lost and debts mount. Sleepless nights can become commonplace, and the strain on the family can be extraordinary. Bankruptcy law gives you the means to get out of that situation. Butler, Toweson & Payseno PLLC realizes that bankruptcy is an unpleasant thought, but many times for people in a tough financial spot it represents the best opportunity for you and your family to get back on your feet, get out from under those debts and start to build a sound financial future for you and your family. We would be pleased to review your debt situation and to make recommendations to you concerning the potential of a bankruptcy filing under either chapter 7 or chapter 13. Ultimately, you want to make the decision that is best for your financial decision, and we’re here to help give you recommendations.

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, stop using all credit cards and other charge accounts immediately and keep all of your assets the way that you have them. Do not pay back relatives or friends if you owe them money and do not transfer cars or property into anyone else’s name. Doing so could cause you to lose property and be denied bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy Attorneys

Contact us today to set up your initial consultation.

